Cracking Necks: Is It Safe?

Disclaimer: Here at Champion Physical Therapy, we do not perform chiropractic/osteopathic "adjustments." Instead, we perform osteopractic spinal manipulations, which are similar in practice but use different techniques and carry a different philosophy for clinical decision-making. There are, however, enough similarities between the two schools of practice that we can use the studies below to make good clinical decisions about patient safety even though some of the studies specifically mention chiropractic adjustments. 

Spinal manipulations will never be performed without  your informed consent at Champion Physical Therapy. You will be properly screened before any manipulation. 

To summarize the research below...

Risk of Vertebrobasilar Stroke and Chiropractic Care.pdf
Current understanding of the Relationship Between Cervical Manipulation and Stroke, what does it mean for the chiropractic profession.pdf
The Risk Associated With Spinal Manipulation an overview of reviews, Nielsen et al.pdf

For more research articles on Osteopractic Spinal Adjustment visit: 


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  Boulder City, NV 89005

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